
2024 OpsStars Awards: The Constellation Award

The 2024 OpsStars Winner for The Constellation Award goes to:

Sumo Logic

OpsStars 2024 Award story for Sumo Logic, Winner of The Constellation Award

Sumo Logic adopted several key strategies to improve collaboration and efficiency across its teams.

They brought together Marketing, Sales, and Operations to establish cross-functional teams. This new structure promoted continuous communication and collaboration to align departments with strategic objectives.

Sumo Logic needed to eliminate data silos and improve visibility, so they unified their technology stack by linking the CRM, marketing automation, and analytics platforms.

This created a single source of truth for the entire revenue team that tracked leads seamlessly from acquisition through conversion. With these changes, Sumo Logic could make more well-informed, timely decisions.

Congratulations Sumo Logic!

  • Integrations
  • Operations
  • OpsStars
  • OpsStars 2024
  • Tech Stack

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