
[Workshop ] Pipeline Generation – It’s a Team Sport!

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If you’re responsible for revenue, pipeline generation is always on your mind! But no one department or individual is responsible. And there is no formula to follow. It’s frustrating! We all feel it, then battle internally over who is responsible, who did what when, and who gets the credit. Who cares! Your team is better off focusing that energy on prospects and customers.

If you’re a mid-size company or recently funded and expected to grow, join this session led by veteran CMO and CRO James Lamberti. James has led GTM teams for 10 growth stage companies generating $5Bn+ market value. James will unpack tactical strategies for creating and implementing an integrated GTM approach that is especially valuable for small to medium-growth companies.

Audience takeaways:
• Best practices for pipeline generation and conversion for growth stage companies
• How to structure your go-to-market team to perform and win
• How to measure and invest in the right thing at the right time

  • Marketing
  • Operations
  • OpsStars
  • Sales

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