
2024 OpsStars Awards: Lead Management Transformation Greater than 1,000 Employees

The 2024 OpsStars Award for Lead Management Program Transformation of the Year for organizations with greater than 1,000 employees goes to:

BMC Software

OpsStars 2024 Awards: Lead Management Program Transformation of the Year BMC Software

Big changes bring big results. BMC Software’s Buying Groups pilot program matched 203 leads to early-stage opportunities and received a great response from their Sales team. One member actually expressed their gratitude because they received three director-level or above contacts related to a recently-assigned opportunity.

One year after implementing these changes, BMC Software is saving time and money thanks to consolidating its matching and routing programs.

  • 97% accuracy from routing thousands of leads.
  • Decreased SLA for MQLs from 24 hours to 8 hours.
  • Average lead response time of 150 minutes.

Congratulations BMC Software!

  • Buying Groups
  • Lead Management
  • Lead Response Time
  • Lead Routing
  • OpsStars
  • OpsStars 2024

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