
Top 5 Sales Tools for your Sales Tech Stack: A Seller’s Perspective

As a salesperson in the tech industry, I’m regularly introduced to new sales tools that are touted to make my job easier. They claim they’ll make me more efficient. Or, with their help, I’ll spend the majority of my time uncovering more pipeline and closing deals. 

Unfortunately, I find these tools to be more of a labor to learn than they are helpful. So, I’ll share the top five sales tools that truly make my job (and my life!) easier. 

Most of my picks are simply categories and brand-agnostic. However, there are a few sales tools that really stand out from the competition. These are the five I believe are worth the cost. 

LeanData Revenue Orchestration Home Page, one of the top five sales tools.

#1 LeanData

I don’t know which is worse: spending time working a hot lead that should belong to another rep, or getting a lead that is already cold because it took so long to get in your hands. 

Both situations will cause frustration, resentment and in-fighting between teams and departments. Not to mention, it leaves a bad first impression for the prospect.

Quite literally, inefficient and inaccurate lead routing processes cost companies money. That’s why I don’t think just any lead routing system will do.

A system that accurately identifies the right sales rep and routes leads right away is a critical tool for a sales tech stack. As a sales rep, I always want LeanData working for me behind the scenes.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator Home Page

#2 LinkedIn Sales Navigator

In the tech industry, people are constantly moving companies and changing roles. It’s hard to keep up with the people I actually know, let alone the customers and prospects at my accounts!

That’s why LinkedIn Sales Navigator (LISN) is one of the top five sales tools in my book. First, it’s the fastest way to find updated information for key individuals at prospects and customer accounts. Even better, I’m able to upload a list of my own accounts and filter down to just the people I want to be looking for!

LISN’s filtering capabilities are expansive. This is extremely helpful when it comes to targeting folks for outbound messages that will be most relevant to certain audiences. 

Outreach, Salesloft, and Groove Sales Engagement Platforms

#3 Sales Engagement Platforms

Time is a precious commodity for all salespeople. So a sales engagement platform that allows you to send mass emails that appear customized, and set up auto-emails on an appropriate cadence, is worth every penny. 

A sales engagement tool is even better if it integrates into your lead router so that no one needs to click “start” on the first message! 

In my experience, it takes some organization to get started. But, once in place, this is a major time-saver. Beyond all that, I love using my sales engagement platform to send emails because I can see when (and how many times) the emails are getting opened.

These insights enable me to be more strategic with my email cadences and follow up. Outreach, Salesloft, and Groove by Clari are all good options for sales engagement platforms.

#4 Call Recording

I’m sure sales leaders love call recording technology to provide coaching and oversight. However, I love call recording because it enables me to be fully present on calls without worrying too much about taking notes.

I still usually jot down notes while on calls, but I re-watch my recorded calls regularly to refresh my memory and ensure I didn’t miss anything.

#5 Slack

Slack productivity tool software

Email inboxes can get clogged up fast, so it’s nice to have a separate avenue to communicate with my colleagues. I also love that I can have Slack on my phone. I can see updates, alerts, and announcements right away.

Another great feature is NotifyPlus for Slack. With this tool, I get Slack messages that I can take action on right from the application — literally updating Salesforce records right from my phone. Anyone will tell you the Salesforce mobile experience is challenging, so having this option is very handy.

Whether I forgot to check a box to indicate a Lead is being worked, or the close date for an Opportunity needs to be updated, I am able to easily keep records updated without any hassle.

Slack also has a video call feature built in, and screen sharing functionality, which is great for impromptu collaboration. 

Top Sales Tools Save Time & Add Convenience

There you have it. These are the top five sales tools for a sales tech stack, in my opinion, as a salesperson. You probably noticed, the common theme with all five sales tools is they save me time and add convenience. 

As a busy working mom trying to make the most out of every work day, that’s priceless! 

  • efficiency
  • lead response time
  • sales
  • Sales Engagement
  • Sales Engagement Platforms
  • speed to lead
  • Tech stack
About the Author
Emily Wojtowicz, Account Manager, at LeanData
Emily Wojtowicz
Account Manager at LeanData

Emily Wojtowicz is an Account Manager for LeanData where she manages commercial relationships with a subset of LeanData customers, ensuring they receive best-in-class service and guidance. Emily's favorite LeanData feature is the integrations with sales intelligence software. Connect with Emily on LinkedIn.