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It's shown that companies don’t track the metrics needed to optimize revenue performance.
This prevents companies from orchestrating and aligning the pipeline lifecycle from initial engagement to Closed/Won.
Sales pipeline performance is NOT OPTIMIZED
Isolated performance metrics may potentially mislead revenue leaders.
In comparison, only 19% of companies measure Cost Per Dollar of Revenue and just 13% measure Cost Per Dollar of Pipeline.
As such, CPL can become a vanity metric that deters revenue leaders from making data-informed decisions. In turn, it also affects pipeline efficiency.
This results in...
Lead Forms Completed is the number one pipeline performance metric tracked at only 34% of companies.
WHAT THIS MEANS: Revenue leaders are not only uninformed on the best channels and tactics for growth, they also lack knowledge on the cost of growth.
Pipeline data is FRAGMENTED.
Want to Get Rid of Manual Processes?
"LeanData has helped us scale more quickly. We're closing more and larger deals. When the sales team is notified right away that a lead is hot, it makes a huge difference in conversion rates further down in the funnel."
Tara Robertson
Director of Revenue Marketing
Only 26% of companies track how leads convert from discovery all the way to Closed/Won status. Read the report to find out what else we learned.
Lead Forms Completed is the number one pipeline performance metric tracked at only 34% of companies.
WHAT THIS MEANS: Revenue leaders are not only uninformed on the best channels and tactics for growth, they also lack knowledge on the cost of growth.
Pipeline data is FRAGMENTED.
Isolated performance metrics may potentially mislead revenue leaders.
In comparison, only 19% of companies measure Cost Per Dollar of Revenue and just 13% measure Cost Per Dollar of Pipeline.
As such, CPL can become a vanity metric that deters revenue leaders from making data-informed decisions. In turn, it also affects pipeline efficiency.
This results in...
From above, it's shown that companies don’t track the metrics needed to optimize revenue performance.
This prevents companies from orchestrating and aligning the pipeline lifecycle from initial engagement to Closed/Won.
Isolated performance metrics may potentially mislead revenue leaders.
"LeanData has helped us scale more quickly. We're closing more and larger deals. When the sales team is notified right away that a lead is hot, it makes a huge difference in conversion rates further down in the funnel."
Tara Robertson
Director of Revenue Marketing
Want to optimize your sales pipeline performance?
Only 26% of companies track how leads convert from discovery all the way to Closed/Won status. Read the report to find out what else we learned.