Crush Conversion Goals
BookIt Handoff helps you instantly pass buyers to the right rep, every time.
Customize in Seconds
Toss out your manual spreadsheets and list-based rules. Activate suggestions with no-code drag-and-drop ease.
Instantly pass buyers to the first available specialist, effortlessly add group members, and automate reminders to improve conversion rates.
Eliminate Manual Back-and-Forths
Built for Sales and Operations
Schedule Smarter, Not Harder
Automatically suggest the right AE, round robin, territory, or group based on your unique business logic.
Get full visibility of every scheduling outcome with real-time dashboards, detailed audit logs, visual flow insights, and native Salesforce reports
Report with Visibility
Accurate Sales Handoffs in Less Than 15 Seconds
A prospect is ready to schedule a follow-up, and you click on BookIt Handoff in Salesforce.
Handoff provides automatic suggestions on the best person to book with, and available meeting times are displayed.
Select your preferred meeting time and that's it! Meeting booked, invite sent, and with no fuss at all.
Crush conversion goals with the most efficient automated scheduling solution for sales handoffs.
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Crush Conversion Goals
Accurate Sales Handoffs in Less Than 15 Seconds
A prospect is ready to schedule a follow-up, and you click on BookIt Handoff in Salesforce.
Handoff provides automatic suggestions on the best person to book with, and available meeting times are displayed.
Select your preferred meeting time and that's it! Meeting booked, invite sent, and with no fuss at all.
Customize in Seconds
Toss out your manual spreadsheets and list-based rules. Activate suggestions with no-code drag-and-drop ease.
Eliminate Manual Back-and-Forths
Instantly pass buyers to the first available specialist, effortlessly add group members, and automate reminders to improve conversion rates.
Schedule Smarter, Not Harder
Automatically suggest the right AE, round robin, territory, or group based on your unique business logic.
Report with Visibility
Get full visibility of every scheduling outcome with real-time dashboards, detailed audit logs, visual flow insights, and native Salesforce reports